
Hi, I’m Lauren!

At every one of my family get-togethers, stories are traded between relatives as a way to make each other laugh, cry, or see something in a different way. My childhood friends and I would imagine and create new worlds to play in through the magic of storytelling. As I grew older, I began to write these stories down. Writing became a way for me to catalog and reflect on the experiences around me and express my own inner discourses. The unique power stories have to connect people is and always has been captivating to me and is a main driver of my pursuit towards a career in media. While geographical or social barriers may keep people of different backgrounds apart, writing and art have the ability to connect people around the world by sharing stories one might not encounter otherwise.

Follow me on social media to see what I’m reading, my favorite new albums, the tv and movies I’m loving (and hating), and a whole lot of mediocre puns. One of my favorite things about social media is how it can be used to share special moments and the stories behind them (like the celebration that provided the wacky balloon hat pictured here).

Conversations are a powerful way to learn and connect with others, and I use these online platforms to incite and continue discussions on issues I am passionate about. I also use my social media as an outlet for my creativity, and frequently share my work across my accounts. As well as getting to know more about me, you can use my social media to keep up with my most recent writing, photo, video, and design projects.

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Talk about how much we both love the oxford comma?

Just say hi?

Reach out via email to see what we can collaborate on!